Montessori is an educational approach,
developed by Italian Physician and educator
Maria Montessori.
This method has been implemented worldwide since 1906 and has proven to be a success;
its effectiveness is demonstrated by children
from all backgrounds, cultures and abilities.
Montessori is a philosophy, a set of values
and a way of thinking which provides an
approach to life based on respect and trust.
Montessori is about understanding that young
children are driven to become independent
and take part in daily activities that may be
taken for granted. Dr. Maria Montessori firmly believed the first six years of a child's life are
the most critical in terms of processing
information and physical development.
It is during this time that a child's powers of
absorption are the highest, and attitudes
and learning patterns are formed.
Our Montessori teachers have studied the
work of Dr. Montessori and can apply the
theory behind the method in all areas of
the prepared environment.
Montessori material is a general name for
the teaching aids and activities within
the classroom; which include a combination
of specific Montessori apparatus and
teacher made materials.
Montessori designed her didactic apparatus
by observing children, realising that children
need the comfort of using things their own size.
The Montessori apparatus is introduced to children as they become ready for the 'next step'
in their learning process.
All activities are presented on a 1:1 basis;
this way individual progress can be assessed
and recorded enabling staff to track children's
progression in attaining their early learning
goals as set out in the EYFS.